Invitation Principles

Panga is a project to support experimental approaches to housing that collectively meet our daily needs of food, care, shelter, energy, transport, and safety.

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Inviting new people to participate in various aspects of Panga #

Anyone involved Panga can support new people to participate with them by following a transparent invitation process. Collectivist experiments have highlighted the value of cultivating informal networks large enough to support multiple self-governing groups yet small enough that everyone is connected to everyone else, either directly or via someone they trust. Panga is intended to complement the continued flourishing of such networks, by focusing on supporting small self-governing groups to participate in multiple place-based experiments in collectively meeting our basic needs.

When you would like to invite additional people to join us in any of aspect of Panga we expect you to do so thoughtfully; when you have the capacity to support the newly joined participant in learning the shared context Panga cultivates and to take responsibility for co-creating the interdependent relationships through which we can experiments with multiple overlapping collectivists practices.

Invitation Principles #

The following are an initial set of Principles we hope will help guide us all in being thoughtful about when, how, and why we invite more people to participate in co-creating collectivists experiments.

  • Trust & Respect
  • Building on shared foundations
  • Interdependent responsibility

These Principles are intended to reflect our ‘growth at the speed of trust’ goals. Together, these principles inform our invitation expectations that an existing participant can explain to another existing participant why they trust the potential participant to engage respectfully with other participants; the potential participant’s interest in building on shared foundations to explore potential approaches to co-creating better futures by collectivising our basic needs; and the degree to which the existing participant is willing to take responsibility for supporting each new potential participant in navigating the interdependent relationships that may emerge through their participation in Panga.

Invitation Preparation #

To help in considering the relevance of these invitation principles in specific situations, please consider how you would explain to an existing participant why it is a good idea to invite this potential participant to join //now//. For example, consider how you would finish the following statements:

  • Interest: The aspects of Panga that are most likely to be of interest to [Name] are…. (e.g., Campfire, Stewarding, Infastructure, forming basic-need collectives, etc.,)
  • Alignment: The Panga values and theories of change I think are most likely to resonate with [Name] are….
  • Context: The existing context [Name] has for the shared foundation we are currently building-on within Panga include…
  • Capacity: [Name’s] current capacity to contribute to Panga is likely to be….
  • Conflict navigation: If conflict arise between [Name] and other Panga participants, I am able to support them to navigate that in the following ways… (And, if [Name] and I need to navigate a conflict we are prepared to…. )

Invitation Process #

  • Once you have considered the Invitation Principles and are confident about inviting a potential participant to the Campfire, please reach out to another existing participant to explain why this is a good time to invite this person into these conversations:
  • If this second existing participant supports the invitation, they can post an invitation request in the appropriate Campfire thread explaining why this is a good time to invite this person into these conversations
  • This post will trigger an email to be sent to the potential participant with a link to the Yam Daisy invitation process (offering some context about Panga, and a personalised invitation from you to attend an upcoming Panga Context-Setting Workshop)